Hooks & Filters on WordPress

Welcome back, fellow developers! In today’s post, we’re diving deep into the powerful world of WordPress development. If you’ve ever wondered how to customize and extend the functionality of your WordPress site, you’re in the right place. We’re going to unravel the mysteries of hooks and filters in PHP, the backbone of WordPress customization. Understanding Hooks: Hooks in WordPress provide a way to execute custom code at specific points throughout

How to debug WordPress (easily)

Debugging is an essential skill for any WordPress developer. It helps identify and fix issues efficiently, ensuring a smooth and error-free website. In this guide, we’ll explore easy-to-follow techniques and examples in PHP to streamline your WordPress debugging process. The easiest way Enable Debugging in WordPress: Before diving into specific debugging techniques, make sure WordPress debugging is enabled. Open your wp-config.php file and set the following constants: If we set

How to create a basic WordPress Plugin

Before to create a Plugin we should know the WordPress structure. WordPress save all plugins like sub-folders on the plugins directory which is located in the following path: wp-content/plugins. If we move inside the plugins folder we will find the directories for all plugins. Both those of third parties and ours: Well! We already know where the plugins are stored. Now we need to know the basic structure of a